Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, research and planning and evaluation stages?

Media Technologies I used

The different technologies that I used were Blogger, Pic Monkey, Final cut pro and the Apple Mac. These all had a different role to play in my course work and they all helped to make my coursework the way it is.

Every time I changed something about my coursework or wanted to add something to my work, I would upload it to Blogger. Blogger is a great way to bring all my work together and present it in a way that I want to. I had used blogger for AS so it was familiar to me. The downside with Blogger is that I cannot always lay it out how I want to, and this is something that I am not too happy about. I think the coursework is important because you should be able to present it in your own way and you can not do this with your layout on Blogger. Although you change the theme of your blog; this does make it more personal.

Pic Monkey:
I think Pic Monkey is great, it is simple and easy to use and you can edit any photo you like through easy steps. I did start to use other ways to edit photo's but I did not find them easy to use and I was struggling. I wanted something that was simple and that could give good results without all of the hassle of worrying which button to press. I would definitely use Pin Monkey again and I would highly recommend it.

Final cut pro:
For my music video I used Final Cut Pro to edit. There are different types of editing versions, but I stuck to Final Cut Pro because it was on the Mac. I did find Final Cut Pro difficult to use at first because there is so much that you can do with it. In my media group I did have people who had used Final Cut Pro before and they showed me how to use it. Once I had been shown how to use it, I started to see how good this application was and see how far I could develop my work. I would use final Cut Pro again if I did a task like this in the future.

Apple Mac:
Using a Mac is very different to any windows laptop or computer, so this did make it difficult at first. I did use it a lot during my coursework, and I became very fond of it. The Mac can be very technical and it does take a while to get the hand of it; so you will need to sit down and get to understand it. From using the Mac's at school I would very much like to get one now.

Construction and Research

The different research methods that I used for my coursework was Google, YouTube, Blogger. How I constructed my coursework was by using a camera and tripod and YouTube Down loader and Final Cut Pro.

When I was first given my coursework task, I knew that what I was going to do was look onto YouTube. This was so that I could find out what other people had done and develop my own ideas. Looking at YouTube helped a lot and it made me realise that any idea I had was fine to use because there were so many. When I started to research I looked at media music videos and professionals; I did this so that I could compare them and see what the difference was between them, and see what I could do to improve mine and see what I could change.

I used the web and Images on Google. If I wanted to search anything, I would go to Google. Google is very easy to use and I had used it many times before I did my coursework; this is why I did not have any problems with it. It was very easy to get pictures from Google to my Blog as well. I used Google for my ancillary tasks when researching what I needed to do.

When I was putting my coursework together I had a look at previous blogs to get inspiration from them. I felt that seeing other people ideas and views helps me make mine or stick to mine. Also seeing how others have put their blogs together is something that I was interested in.

How I constructed my coursework:

Camera and Tripod
To actually get my filming up onto the Mac's, I used a camera and a tripod. The camera's were very easy to use and I did not have any problems with them. The tripod was also very easy to use, I liked it because I could adjust the way I wanted to. When getting the footage of the camera it was very simple; all you had to do was plug it in. The only problem was that the Mac did not always read the camera and you had to keep switching it off and on.

YouTube Down Loader
Once I had finished my music video, I had to upload it onto my blog through YouTube. I started of by uploading it onto YouTube and then downloaded. I found that the down loader was very easy to use and was quick. If I had to upload anything again I would use YouTube Down Loader.

Final Cut Pro:
To actually put my coursework together I used Final Cut Pro. I found that it was easy to upload footage and that the editing of the footage was not too hard after practice. It was very accurate with the editing and I found that I could get very good results from it. When uploading my footage, it was quick. Although I did struggle to know how to do it at first because I did not think it was very simple. This is something that now I know will be quicker, but you have to learn a lot about it before you can get the best out of Final Cut Pro.


When starting my course work I started to think of ideas. Once I had my ideas, I decided to put together a story board. I made my storyboard through drawing pictures and writing on my lyrics sheet. I wrote time onto my story board so that I knew when I was editing what I needed to do. This then made my editing easier because I knew what I wanted to do and it took less time faffing about. Once I had my ideas, I then uploaded them onto Blogger, this was so that everything form research to planning was all there and in the same place.

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