Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

The reason that my work is the way it is now, is because I had feedback from people and I found out what they thought was good and what they thought was bad. I was happy to listen to all feedback and try and incorporate it into my work.

I was struggling with my music video during the earl stages, as what I was putting up was not very good. I did not have a definite answer and this did confuse me a lot when putting ideas together. When getting my feedback I asked questions to see what they audience thought; the reason I did this was so that I got a second opinion.

I asked questions such as:
What did you think of the video?
Write down one bad and one good point
What would you change?
Do you think the video represents being 'brave' well?

The feedback that I did get back what helpful in knowing how to improve it and which way to go about it. Some of the answers that I got from this were:

What did you think of the video?

  • It was good
  • I liked it, but there was a lot in there
  • I think it looked really good, I like how there are different sections to the video
Write down one good point and one bad point:
  • I thought the song was good, but I did not understand the Brave part too much from the video
  • The way the video has been out together is better and the lip syncing is slightly out
  • Editing was good, was not sure about the song
What would you change?
  • Nothing, it is your video and the way you have interpreted it
  • I would not put as many stories as being brave in, maybe one or two
  • I would choose a different song
Do you think the video presents being 'brave' well?
  • It was slightly difficult at first but, once I knew it was good
  • Yes
  • Yes, but I would have changed the different types of Brave's
After getting this feedback from my video, I knew what I needed to improve. I did realise once I had uploaded it. Instead of changing it, I wanted it to be something that I could improve on. Something that I know next time, I will pay more attention to and try and get it spot on. From this feedback, I can also see that some people did not get the connection from the song signing about being brave to the different types of film.

From this I have learnt that having a second opinion is paramount to knowing how good your work is. If you worked on it yourself and never showed anyone till the end, there will be things that you have missed and there would be some issues. Because I had a lot of people look at my work and comment on it; I feel that it suite my target audience a lot more than what it may have done before. This is why I like to get feedback before I say that I am finished.

For my poster I did not get much feedback, and this has been a negative part to what I have done. I did show people once I had finished it, and I did get positive replies. Since I did not go and get proper feedback, I may have now put myself at a disadvantage. 

For my DIGI pack I got feedback while I was making it and after I had finished. I got feedback from people which said that they liked the galaxy theme and that it worked well with the whole theme. Also I feedback saying that they wanted to see pictures of the artist in it. All of these points helped me improve my work and help me change parts of it. 

The good thing about audience feedback is that it is not biased. Everyone has different opinions and this makes it good for getting feedback. The only problem is that you won't always make something that everyone likes. There will always be someone that would say, to improve this you could... I am very happy with  the feedback and I have learnt that gathering as much as you can is important and trying to make the best out of it.

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