Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Here is my storyboard of my music video.

Scene 1
For the first verse, I am going to start with the talent sitting at a piano; playing it and singing. I am not just going to keep to one shot, I am going to use close up, mid shots, pan shots. Since the verse is long I want to keep it interesting. I only need to use a few shots and it can look so much better, and it can look much more interesting. Throughout this verse you can hear the piano playing, this is why I am using the Piano. I wanted to start the song before I got straight into the story.

Scene 2
The next 4 verses is the chorus, this is where I am going to start introducing the story of the song. This will be where I get the music class of only a few girls. There is girls going up and singing or playing an instrument and she gets asked to go up and do something. She is too nervous to do anything at that time so she sits down and waits till later. This will also go to a few clips of the girl at the piano to show the encouragement that she is trying to give. I am wanting quite a few camera shots; one at her hands where she is nervous and also so it gives a clue to the girl at the piano; which you will see at the end.

Scene 3
On this verse I would like to have one of the friends trying to guide her to go for it; trying to say to her that everyone has has confrontation before and has been nervous before but that all apart of trying is the most important. It gets to a part on the song where the girl from the story may look like she is about to go; this is when the line 'Don't run, stop holding your tounge' This is where the girl is going to sit down and think about carrying on and trying to do something that she may be nervous about but doing it anyway.

Scene 4
On these next 3 verses this is where we are go back to the girl on the piano and have her singing a few lines until they go back to the girl in the story. It will have the girl beginning to get up and her walking over to the microphone. The song will start playing and the girl is looking nervous. The girl will start singing while with this song playing over. She will begin to get even more confident and start singing even more. When the same verse is being repeated it can go from the audience clapping and smiling and the girl at the piano playing. At the end where the music stops the girl stands there smiling and happy, and the girl at the piano looks and then switches from the girl singing to the girl in the story.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Camera shots

For my music video I have decided that I am wanting to have two main parts to the video. In the video there is a very strong presence of a Piano. I thought this was good because I would be able to add an element of playing the Piano into this. Since the music video is 4 minutes long, it does give me a long time to put all of this together. I wanted to have an older person to do the part of the singing at the piano. This is because the people that I have chosen for the story are much younger. Also I have done this because at the end I want to swap two different people to give an effect that they are the same person. I am hopefully going to get people to catch on by using a particular piece of jewelery and getting them to wear the same clothes. To make this effect I am going to pan. The other shots that I would like to use is mid shot, long shot and close up. These are the shots that I want for the moment, but when I start filming, I am sure I will begin to use more and start to see the best editing. Here are some example of camera shots. I also think that it would be good to use high angle and low angle shots.


Music video example

For my music video, I wanted to use a technique where I could merge two different parts of two videos and layer them on top of each other. My idea was to have somebody playing the piano as an older women; the camera will pan down from her head to fingers. When the camera goes back up; I wanted the person to be different, hopefully the younger person of that image. For my first attempt, I had a go at trying to to do; the people were different and we were not in the exact position. This does make it look slightly ghostly; but for my first attempt I now have an idea of what I would like to do.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ideas for music video

For the song that I have chosen, I have noticed some instruments. The main one being, a Piano. I thought it as being apart of the video, it would be good if filming someone singing the song in the background at the piano would be good. So the singing and music is coming from that clip, which does come into show through some parts of the video. As well as this I would also like to have a story. I would also like to do a narrative. I am not sure on the particular story line as such but the video is called 'brave' and as you can guess it is about being brave. I know that the story will be about being brave and getting outside of that comfort zone.

Monday, September 9, 2013

music videos

For the media coursework I have decided to do a music video. I have been looking at many different artists for inspiration on what type of music video would be best to use. I am not going to use similar music videos to make a decision as I still want to have a wide range of genres and artists. I am going to choose two videos to choose from.

The music videos-

The first artist that I decided to look into was James Blunt, I am a fan of some of his music and thought that his new song; bonfire heart, was a good video to start with. To me this music video is trying to get the message across that in this day in age no everyone is there for each other. The video has somebody going around meeting people who he has never met before and takes pictures of them. Now this does sound strange but the main point of it; is to join people together and show that you don't need to do much to make people happy and make everything seem better. This is a good song and I do think it has a deep and meaningful meaning behind it. One problem with this video is it wouldn't tell you the sort of you cannot hear or see the lyrics.

Another idea that I have in Brave by Sara Bareilles. I like this song because it is a inspirational song to all of the people that may feel like they cannot do anything because they are too scared of nervous. I could add example of situations where being brave can sometimes make everything better and can make you feel less nervous to do things in the future. This is a video that I think I can have a lot of fun with and can make it entertaining and interesting. I think the lyrics on this song are

Out of these two videos I have decided that I want to use the song brave by Sara Bareilles. The music video is a concept video and it works by getting the reactions of the public. As much as I think that that idea would be good, I feel that I could make up a story and play the video with a meaning behind it so that it doesn't get too boring.

What to do

Our overall deadline for the subsidiary task is the 30th September; this is where the filming and photographs have to be done. I have set myself a to do list.

I want to start filming in about a week, this gives me time to get everything ready before i start. This means that I will be filming around the 16th to the 17th September. Before I start filming I need to make sure that I have finished certain tasks before I start. Here is what I need to do:

  • Location of filming
  • Actors in the music video
  • photograph storyboard
  • Costume (make-up, hair, clothes)
  • Type of script