Friday, November 29, 2013


                  I have started editing my music video; to do this I am using final cut pro.

This is the first part of my music video. Here I have changed the colour slightly but nothing too dramatic.  You can change the effect of each clip quickly. Here is how you can do it and how much of each effect it has. You need to go to this icon which is highlighted in blue, this will bring up many of the same images but with different effects.

You are able to hover over each effect and choose the one that best suits what you are doing. You can choose many different effects; this could be going for 50s TV if you are doing an old music video. Once you have chosen the one you want you select it and drag it onto the clip that you want to use. If you are using more than one then make sure you apply to all that you are wanted to switch.

 You could have chosen indie red; can you see how this image is different to the larger image above. By adding effects it can make a piece of work look so much better. When you haven't changed the effects it can look very 'camcorder'. This then doesn't then appeal to anyone because it doesn't look professional. You can choose from a huge range of effects and you can also change the colour by changing it yourself.

In the top right hand corner is 3 titles; video, audio and info. click video and you will be a part called colour ad then correction 1. Click the arrow and this will appear. Once you are here you can move the circles around to change the colour. These are all good things to use when trying to make the music video look even better.

Friday, November 22, 2013

New Storyboard

I decided to change my idea for my music video; I needed to make a new storyboard so that I knew what I was doing at each point in the song. This storyboard is made up mainly of pictures and notes. It is not quite finished but it gives you an insight to how I am keeping organised for my filming.

I have altered it so that I have one singer who is going to be quite glamorous and three other talents who are going to be the main stars of the video. The first one is a young woman who is unhappy in a relationship; the second is an older male who is lacking some courage in his life; the final talent is a girl of about fourteen who is nervous about fitting in with her friends. I have chose these talents because they are all different with different back stories, back stories which most of my demographic can relate to. I find the song quite poignant and I think the characters should reflect this. My talents are easy accessible to me in school.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Editing and filming

I have now done filming and have started to edit my work already. There are a few things that I may need to re film, but that will be done in the next few days. I am still using the same film but I have just changed my story board. Instead of going with the story idea, I am just going to have many people singing it and having it at different location. I will be doing a new storyboard but that is my new idea because I think it will look better and will be interesting. I haven't used lots of people which is what I first planned of doing but I do think it is a better idea.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Reading of my music video - Brave

I don't feel that my music video can be read in different ways, the song name is Brave and it has 3 different clips of being brave. It is quite a simple concept but has a deeper meaning. Something that I like about my music video is that everyone can make it personal to themselves; everyone has times of having to be brave or when they have been brave. This song inspires and motivates people to push themselves beyond their limits and help them realise that they can achieve more than what they ever imagined.

I think that someone could dislike my media text because they may feel that some of the scenarios of being Brave are not very realistic. Some of the things that people think being brave is:

  • Saving somebodies life
  • Putting out a fire
  • Doing a particular job (Police, Solider, Fire fighter etc.) 

They are just a few examples but it does show you what the stereotypical definition of being brave is. I feel that I have challenged that definition and are showing some things which is brave. Here is the definition of brave; 'Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage'.

My response of that is that being 'brave' does not have a criteria. Maybe phoning your parent is not brave to some people but not everyone has to say you are being brave; you know when you have pushed yourself and when your being brave. I wanted this music video to have a mixture of scenes where being brave is at different levels.

From the feedback that I have had on my ideas of being brave has been positive and that is one of the main reason why I have stayed with this idea. Another reason why I wanted to keep with that idea was because I did not want the music video to be too serious because it was quite an upbeat song, this was the main reason why I went for some more lighthearted brave scenes. If the tone of the song was darker and had more of a heroic sound then I would have used ideas which would have caught the target audiences eye more.